The Trusted Person in a Company
The Trusted Person in a Company (TPC) deals overall with psychosocial risks at work. The TPC offers support to any worker who feel that his/her personality or integrity has been offended. The TPC accompanies and guides individuals in situations of conflict, exhaustion, stress, burnout, or who fell victimized by discrimination, unfairness or violence at work. The TPC acts through individual interviews and prevention seminars.
The TPC is a certified person, well-known to both the management and all the employees.
Tanya Mounier
The specific features of a «Trusted Person» :
Off-hierarchy, the TPC is totally independent from the management, human resources and legal departments.
Indisputable benefits for your company
Did you know ?
Following a May 2012 Swiss Federal Court Judgment,
all Swiss employers are legally bound to put in place preventive measures against psychosocial risks and work-related conflicts.
The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and, in Geneva, the Cantonal Office for Work Inspection and Labour Relations describe the «Trusted Person» as one of the pillars of these preventive measures.
Human and financial advantages :
Improvement of your company results due to a decline in presenteeism, absenteeism and staff turnover.
Conflict prevention
Preventing interpersonal conflicts from emerging or from degenerating.
In 80% of cases, listening actively and with a compassionate ear is sufficient to neutralise a conflict situation.
Productivity gain
Productivity gain for your company through establishing or maintaining a healthy and trustworthy work atmosphere. Such a work environment inspires trust and increases worker motivation, performance and productivity.
Company image
Enhancement of your company value on the job recruitment market.